openSUSE 11.1 released!

December 19, 2008

The latest openSUSE,. version 11.1 has been released yesterday.

It has all the latest versions of desktop environments and the latest applications such as Firefox 3.0 and Open Office 3.0.

There is also upgrades on the partitioning tool, YaST which offers more options.

To read more about new features, click here.

To download openSUSE 11, click here



From openSUSE

KDE Desktop
GNOME desktop

Choosing your linux

December 11, 2008

Don’t have much experience on linux?
Don’t have much time trying out?

Well, if so, you’ll love searching for the right distribution that suits you in minutes with distribution comaparer and distribution choosers.

Distribution Comparer is a very mature comparer which provides a reasonable amount of information between each of the two distributions. It has some popular choices of distributions for you to choose from. And there’s also ratings from 1 to 10 in each categories.

Desktop Comparer can be found here.

Another mature and reliable option is to go through several questions which will work out and choose the right distribution for you. The questions are very mature and well revised. At the end, you can also explore the features of each distribution.

Distro Chooser can be found here.
Here is an alternative.

Well? What distributions have they recommended me?

I’m an openSUSE user and have been impressed with it for a while, but was openSUSE my number one recommended choice? No…

Well, here are my results.

1. Ubuntu Linux
2. Fedora
3. Debian GNU/Linux
4. openSUSE
5. Mandriva Linux

I got the same results and the same order form both of the choosers. But zegenie just didn’t put Debian on the list.

This is interesting. Fedora and Debian are the only distributions I haven’t actually tried thoroughly. I’ll have to check them out!

Try this yourslef! It’s fun!

Putting Desktop Environments to the test!

December 11, 2008


We have all been hearing the popularity of the three main DE, Gnome, KDE and XFCE. They all of their uniqueness. But which one is the most stable and mature desktop? Which one is the least memory consuming?

LinuxFormat puts these DE to various tests. See here.

Linux on iPhone!

December 11, 2008

For the first time, linux has now been sucessfully ported to the iPhone with most of the basic features enabled. Features such as touch screen, sound, wireless networking are not available.

For more information and a demonstration, please visit the following website.

50 ways on tweaking to make Ubuntu faster

December 3, 2008

TechRadar UK

Want to get the most out of the world’s favourite linux distributions?

Want to invest a little time tweaking you system for the highest performance?

TechRadar will show you how!

Click the link here.

KDE 4.2 BETA is released!

December 1, 2008

The 4.2 version of KDE has been released! This polishes up the existing KDE 4. With new planted features aiming at ease of use, improvements of softwares and lots of bugs fixed.

KDE now has a polished looking desktop environment with its updated Vista-style taskbar. It also included Google Gadgets on one of the Plasma applets. It had also improved the desktop effects and other minor navigation improvements.

See KDE 4.2 here.

Major site change

December 1, 2008


Now, I have developed the site even more.

As some of you may have realised, there had been claims of posting copyrighted materials withouht asking for permission by Keith W from

I had developed the site, removing all copied contents except the pictures and instead, linking them to original source.

The second change is the site logo.

Now, as some of you may have noticed ealier, the logo had been changed to the one I had developed on my own with the banner updated.

But unfortunately, I am really rubbish at graphics and gleeson85 from had done one for me!

A big applause to him for a great banner he made for me!

The next slight chage…

Well, now I have decided to get the posts organised and in order.

On the top of each posts, I’ll be stating the company/site in which I got the source from..


  • TransLXP
  • LinuxFormat
  • DistroWatch



LXF:: Fedora Core 10 Test

November 26, 2008

Fedora Core 10, one of the simplest to use Linux desktop available is now released!

With exiting new wallpaper and the latest applications and features.

LinuxFormat team is here once again to guide you around this newly polished distro.

Click here.

Linux Mint Felicia – Official TransLXP Review

November 26, 2008

Linux Mint Felicia:: Not impressive

The latest Linux Mint, Felicia had been released a couple of weeks ago. Overall, after experiencing new features and tools, they’re not impressive.

Well, the best thing they’ve improved so far was the mintInstall, Linux Mint package installer. It had been transformed into a professional installer, easy to use for all of us and not having to go through the hassle of downloading the package off the internet.

The second best improvement was the mintupload, now allowing us to upload a file onto our own server.

They have added two new softwares, Giver – An easy file sharer and Gufw – a lightweight firewall. But the Mint team hadn’t done any goods on those softwares. They just simply added them in.

Now, on to the “bad part”. They had added mintNanny which is an extremely lightweight parental control system. From the description from the mint website, it seems like this tool had been made by a four-year old. Why? It looks too simple and it isn’t very mature.

And quoting from the website:

When you “block” a domain in mintNanny it basically adds an entry to your /etc/hosts file and defines that domain’s IP address as being This results in your computer not being able to communicate with the domain anymore.

  • You can’t block domains for particular users or particular programs, the block is for everyone on the computer and for any protocol.
  • Remember that mintNanny blocks domain names, not IP addresses so if your children are smart enough to ping the domain from another computer they’ll be able to access it via its IP address.
  • Certain domains use subdomains and redirect to them so you might have to block them to. For instance if you want to block you might also have to block As a rule of thumb try to access the website after you block it to see if your block was efficient enough.

It just seemes too imature. They just put the ip as being You have to find out yourself if you have to block www. And if you only want to control your child’s account, you have to sacrafise yourself from being blocked to that website as well. Not very mature indeed.

The worse feature though. Since I used to be a Mint fan, when I heard of the release, I rushed towards the downloads and got the iso in 3 hours. I burnt it into a disc, insert it….and…..nothing happened. You can’t upgrade from older versions. I posted a thead on the Mint’s site and they told me that this RC hasn’t got the upgrader plannted in yet. It will be released on RC2!? What?! For f** sake! RC1 is for mature, stable, ready to use!!! They should’ve released that in BETA!

And up until now, there is no sign of RC2. Anyway, after getting completely bored with the distro. I’ve switched back to openSUSE. (bye bye Mint). If you’d like to give Mint a try, you can. It’s stable since it’s Ubuntu-based.

Site Renovation

November 25, 2008

This blog site will be developing for a complete new change.

Things that are changing:

  1. This site is adopted to only inform you, linux information and news.
  2. Things that can be done on multiple operating systems, including linux is included.
  3. Narrowing down topic, means easier researching, therefore, more posts.
  4. An “TransLXP Linux Magazine” will be made 1-2 times each year.
  5. There will be an added “Distros” page on the bar. “My Current Distro”, “Distros I’ve recently tried”, “All distros I’ve tried” and “Recommended Distros” will be on this page.
  6. The Categories will be updated. New narrowing down categories will be up.
  7. As you can see, site links related to linux is up.
  8. Site slogan will be changed.
  9. Site logo may be changed.